combinations of letters for a word... words for a sentence... sentences for a paragraph... paragraphs for a story... stories to make a history... make your own history... idolize yourself!


----xxxxXXXXthis is meXXXXxxxx----

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who: ronnel john rojas
year age: 18
born: january 27, 1988
hometown: gogon sirangan virac catanduanes
nation: Philippines
stats: single w/in a relationship
affiliation: rocker, needs practice!
likes: girls, animation, basketball, adobe*, computer---- of course the mouse
dislikes: everyone's who's bothering me!
favorite site:
movie: the ring, scary movie
show: Dora the explorer
wantz to be: everything
schoolz: VPES, CNHS, CSC
course: BSIM (it rules)
clan: the avengerz
t.v.: kapuso!
c.p.: +639194555350
p.c.: windows xp, intel pentium poor
game: gunbound phil., chuzzle
rockstar: michael angelo!(love the double sided guitar)
band: cueshe, hale, kapatid, tropical depression, cambio, PnE, kamikazee, bob marley, BR
type of MUzik: reggae, rock, punk, senti
motto: if you have sumthing to show, show it! if you have nothing... do something!
describe yahself: i dunno, i like to call some assisance about my brain, its soooo weird.
Hatez: porn with clothes
lovez: vintage and rusty objects.
food: everything that's hot
thing: the flashlight(i ussually have one when i'm goin' to sleep)
want some: guitar
du u hav gf?: yep!
message: if you have viewed this blog........ uhm... just view...


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